This group has not posted information to this page for over two and one half years, try the YahooGroups Site -- 20070702 ---- Notes from the January 11 meeting of the PortlandXpUsersGroup. Goal was to make an agenda for 2005. Interesting Topics Adopted * Geographically distributed teams. * Failures * Scaling * Hands-on activities * Sprint Other Interesting Topics Delayed * The difference between measurement, test, and validation * Using aspects of agility in non-agile processes * Getting started * "The customer problem" * Refactoring * Volunteer activities * How and where is agility taught * Web packet: intro to agile * Making agile tools * What is agile project management * How to fit agility into a static org * How does agility fit into PMP * What are good metaphors for software * Partnerships with other interesting groups (Linux, Python, etc.) * Agile approaches other than XP (Scrum, Crystal, etc.) * "Beer Night" (Not just after the meeting) * Host an agile conference in Portland (Agile 2006?) * Work with other conferences to feature agile (e.g. PNSQC) * The edgy new parts of KentBeck's second edition of ExtremeProgrammingExplained Use AgileAlliance to bring speakers to Portland * Consider associated engagements, e.g. at PSU, SPIN, etc. Speaker List Under Active Consideration (If you're on this list, look for an email or phone call. 8^) * EricEvans * KentBeck * MikeCohn Other potential speakers * JuttaEckstein * JoshKerievsky Other decisions * Stay at OGI location * Wayne, Arlo, Patrick, and Mike will help organize * Scope is definitely not just XP * Won't change the name from XPDX though Thanks to AndrewBlack for writing these notes initially. The good news is this is a wiki so Andrew and others can correct my mistakes. Only one or two handwriting recognition problems. -Patrick