Languages with something from every programming paradigm, style, era, whatever. The PerlLanguage is an paradigmatic example of this: LarryWall says: : The Perl motto is "ThereIsMoreThanOneWayToDoIt." The above is often made into acronyms ranging around TimTowTdi TimTow2di etc. LarryWall has also presented a paper on this: ---- The PythonLanguage supports several programming paradigms as well, but there's only one (syntactic) way to do each; see PythonVsPerl. LispClos and CeePlusPlus are also heading that way. ---- CommonLisp (not LispClos), is not ''heading that way'' --- it's '''been''' that way for twenty years. ''And'' you don't need the godawful line noise syntax. And you can usually read your code the next day. --SmugLispWeenie. ''Ironic, isn't it? :)'' It is. Perl made sense in its original form, gluing together some often used unix tools for system administration tasks. As a general purpose language it touted 'flexiblity' as a killer advantage. However, as noted here, Common Lisp is simultaneously more flexible, more powerful (vastly), faster (vastly), and maitainable (vastly) than perl....