A '''Prime''''''Pair''' consists of two PrimeNumber''''''s that differ by 2. For example: ''' 3 -- 5''' ''' 5 -- 7''' '''11 -- 13''' '''17 -- 19''' '''29 -- 31''' It is said that there are special conditions associated with these things, though that water is deeper than my little pond. It is an OpenQuestion as to whether there are infinitely many prime pairs. PrimePair''''''s are also know as "twin primes". And these have a sub-category (2^n-1, 2^n+1) whose name escapes me. (''perhaps find it here'' http://www.mersenne.org/ecmp.htm) [Perhaps some faulty recollection, as (3,5) is the only prime pair in that sub-category.] See: http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20010602/mathtrek.asp ---- CategoryMath