Using computers may cause RepetitiveStrainInjury (CarpalTunnelSyndrome), but I was wondering if there are any other dangers or conditions of being in the software business. Hopefully the FortyHourWeek is helping us to calm down a bit and to get a life. (I am particularly interested in identifying psychological issues. -- KeithHodges) *stress due to losing lots of work *What to do when the file server goes down *Are there any software engineering phobias? (Fear of Smalltalk?) ---- '''Therapy for Programming Pairs''' TheoPhostic counselling, which is often used for married couples, could perhaps be applied to Programming Pairs. One principle is that when you get emotionally stirred up in a situation, it is unlikely that all of that emotion is rooted in the present situation. Much of your reaction comes from similar situations containing the same emotions in your past. The result being that when two people cannot get on it is due to both of their individual unresolved emotional issues, for which they can receive individual counselling. ---- See also BewareOfTendinitis, BurnOut