A PeerToPeer project by SunMicrosystems, see http://www.jxta.org/. The project was started by BillJoy The technology is pretty clever, but suffers from a lack of documentation and the APIs have many rough edges. People therefore tend to become infuriated by it rather quickly. With a bit of effort in cleaning up the APIs and documenting them, Jxta could become one of the key Java technologies. Jxta has its own wiki at http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Jxta/WebHome Some Jxta Projects that use Jxta are: * Go Tournament for JXTA http://go.jxta.org/ Webstart: http://go.jxta.org/releases/jnlp/0.6/gojxta.jnlp * Easy Entry Library for JXTA http://ezel.jxta.org * MultitaneousEditor http://kanabos.dev.java.net Webstart: http://www.sharedpage.com/download/Multitaneous.jnlp * Peer-to-Peer Distributed Computing Platform http://jngi.jxta.org * A collaborative platform http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Jxta/jxpose * MyJxta Instant Messaging Webstart: http://download.jxta.org/build/nightly/jnlp/myjxta.jnlp * DisDNS scratchpad http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Jxta/P2PSockets * Jxta Shell http://shell.jxta.org Webstart: http://download.jxta.org/build/nightly/jnlp/shell.jnlp ---- CategoryJava CategoryDistributed CategoryCollaboration CategoryProject