There are a lot of Ides for PythonLanguage springing up.  Many of them written in Python

* '''BoaConstructor'''
** Python
** WxPython
** WxWidgets
** GuiBuilder
** OpenSource
** Website:

** python.el (default with Emacs 23)
** python-mode

* '''Eric3''' 
** Python
** PyQT
** QT
** OpenSource
** Website:

* '''Komodo'''
** Written in C++, Javascript and Python
** Mozilla and XUL
** Commercial, with OpenSource Komodo Edit also available.
** Website:

* '''PIDA''' 
** Python
** PyGTK
** GTK
** Editor is Vim or Emacs embedded
** OpenSource
** Website:

* '''PyCharm'''
** JavaLanguage - an IntellijIdea bundle (the similar Eclipse bundle needs a shout-out here, too)
** DjangoProject
** GoogleAppEngine
** Refactoring
** ClassBrowser
** Debugging
** Version control integration
** CrossPlatform
** Commercial (free licenses for open-source projects)
** Website:

* '''PyDev'''
** Python
** CodeCompletion
** Refactoring with BicycleRepairMan
** ClassBrowser
** OpenSource
** Debug support (haven't tried it yet myself --cwillu)
** Builds on a mature ide platform and therefore much more stable than its age would suggest,
** Gets a lot of useful editor functionality for free:
*** CVS, SVN, etc. integration
*** Source/documentation popups
*** CrossPlatform EclipsePlugin
** Website:

* '''Python IDE''' 
** Python 2.6
** Python Tkinter Tk Library
** Free
** Website:

* '''Python Machine''' 
** Written in Python
** Python
** PyGTK
** GTK
** CodeCompletion
** OpenSource
** Website:

* '''Python Tools for Visual Studio'''
** Written in C# and Python
** CodeCompletion
** Refactoring
** Debugging
** Version control integration
** OpenSource
** Website:

* '''Spe'''
** Python (can be used as a module)
** WxPython
** Blender support
** OpenSource
** Extensible with Boa Constructor
** Cross platform: Windows, Linux, MacOsx, FreeBsd, etc...
** Homepage:

* '''WingIde'''
** Written in Python and C/C++
** Based on PyGTK and GTK2
** Auto-completion, call tips, source browser
** Integrated unit testing
** Support for debugging under Zope/Plone, DjangoProject, Turbogears, CGIs, wxPython, Tkinter, PyGTK, and most other Python code whether launched from the IDE or externally
** Emacs and VI/VIM key bindings (among others)
** Cross platform: Windows, Linux, MacOsx (runs under X11 on Mac)
** Commercial
** Free licenses available for non-commercial open source developers
** Website:

* '''Ninja IDE'''
** It's free and gratis and written in python!
** Has autocomplete and syntax highlighting.
** Website:
See also: PythonGuiBuilders, on the Python wiki.
CategoryPython CategorySoftwareTool