Please put small code samples here from other languages, and we will try to translate it into PythonLanguage. The goal is to ease the learning curve for Python. ---- In AplLanguage: +/M where M is any numeric matrix of rank 2 thru X (integer), result is another matrix of rank (x-1), where the projection is summed up. ''Example of APL operation on a matrix (rank 2) results in a vector (rank 1):'' | 1 2 3 | M = | 4 5 6 | | 7 8 9 | '' '''+/''' (reads Plus reduce) means the operator "+" is applied to the data. For a 1 dimensional vector, it just adds everything (to a scalar of rank 0). But it works on higher dimensions, too. The above would sum to: | 12 15 18 | If the input were a 3d matrix, the output would be a 2d matrix resulting from summing along the third dimension. The APL standard supports matrices up to at least 63 dimensions. So although it would be easy to implement sum for a 1-vector or a 2-matrix in any language, it is more complicated to handle X dimensions, yet the APL code is still just '''+/M''' -- so this problem was obviously posed by a SmugAplWeenie. :-) '''Python bites back :)''' How's this (generalised OO version): class Matrix(list): def _reduce(self, f): try: return Matrix([f(x) for x in zip(*self)]) except Type''''''Error: try: return Matrix([Matrix(x)._reduce(f) for x in zip(*self)]) except Type''''''Error: return f(self) def r_sum(self): return self._reduce(sum) def r_mul(self): mul = lambda x: reduce(operator.mul, x) return self._reduce(mul) a = Matrix([1,2,3]) b = Matrix([[1,2,3]]) c = Matrix([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) d = Matrix([[[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]], [[10,11,12], [13,14,15], [16,17,18]], [[19,20,21],[22,23,24], [25,26,27]]]) >>> print a.r_sum() 6 >>> print b.r_sum() [1, 2, 3] >>> print c.r_sum() [12, 15, 18] >>> print d.r_sum() [[30, 33, 36], [39, 42, 45], [48, 51, 54]] It'll hit an upper limit when it runs out of stack, but should be able to handle a 64d matrix * Is there a test one can do beforehand to test whether the stack is sufficiently free to do what it needs to? ''Not that I'm aware of - Python tends to use the SamuraiPrinciple - though you can probably estimate by analysing the algorithm. That said, you're probably better off NOT using pure python for heavy number crunching (for a low number of dimensions Python should be fine - for a large number, you'll probably run out of memory - if not experience heat death of the universe). The Numeric or NumPy package may be suitable, however. if you do run out of stack, you could always use StacklessPython'' -- TaroOgawa ---- In PerlLanguage: Taken from ( The expected output is the primes between 2 and 99, each on a new line: perl -e 'while($l++<99){$_.=x;print $l,$/if! /^x$|^(xx+)\1+$/}' In Python: import re for i in range(1,100): if not re.match(r"^x$|^(xx+)\1+$", "x"*i): print i Or if you want to be a little bit more Pythonic (and faster too): def primes(low, high): m = re.compile(r"^x$|^(xx+)\1+$") primes = [str(i) for i in range(low, high+1) if not m.match("x"*i)] print "\n".join(primes) ---- In PerlLanguage: #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use Tie::File; my $file = shift; my @array; tie @array, 'Tie::File', $file or die "$file can't be opened:$!\n"; $array[1] = 'blah'; # line 2 of the file is now 'blah' print "[" . $array[2] . "]\n"; # display line 3 of the file push( @array, "new line" ); # add a line to the file Here's what this example does. $ cat junk 1 2 3 4 cat $ ./ junk [3] $ cat junk 1 blah 3 4 cat new line Basically I am asking what is the Python equiv. of Tie::File Python: #! /usr/local/bin/python class Tie(list): def __init__(self, filename): self.f = open(filename, 'r+') list.__init__(self, [line[:-1] for line in self.f]) def close(self): if self.f: for line in self: print >> self.f, line self.f.close() self.f = None def __del__(self): self.close() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys fn = sys.argv[1] array = Tie(fn) array[1] = 'blah' print "[%s]" % array[2] array.append("newline") ---- In PerlLanguage: print __FILE__ . "[" . __LINE__ . "] here is some debug on line foo of file bar\n"; ''You'll want to define a HelperFunction for that. Something like this:'' import traceback def log(*args): caller = traceback.extract_stack()[-2] print "%s:%d: %s" % (caller[0], caller[1], ''.join(str(a) for a in args)) ''And using caller[2] would give you the function name.'' ---- How does one do constructor overloading in Python? In JavaLanguage: class My''''''Object { public My''''''Object() { System.out.println("uno"); } } class My''''''Class { private int a; private My''''''Object my; public My''''''Class(int a) { this.a = a; } public My''''''Class(MyObject my) { = my; } } class My''''''Test { public static void main(String args[]) { My''''''Class mc1 = new My''''''Class(42); My''''''Class mc2 = new My''''''Class(new My''''''Object()); } } ''You don't. Python uses DynamicTypes and thus doesn't offer any kind of "overloading" based on argument type. The way this is typically done in Python:'' class My''''''Object: def __init__(self): print "UNO" class My''''''Class: pass def MyClassWithI''''''nt(a): new_instance = My''''''Class() new_instance.a = a return new_instance def MyClassWithO''''''bject(my): new_instance = My''''''Class() = my return new_instance if __name__ == '__main__': mc1 = MyClassWithI''''''nt(42) mc2 = MyClassWithO''''''bject(My''''''Object()) ''You could also use class methods as factories instead of the module-level functions used here, but there's no practical difference for this contrived example.'' ---- Printing a hello message to someone, asking for their name: In CeeLanguage: #include int main(void) { char name[30]; printf("What's your name?"); scanf("%s", name); printf("Hello, %s\n", name); return 0; } In Python: name = raw_input("What's your name? ") print "Hello, %s" % name (Note that the Python version does not suffer from the BufferOverflow bug that the C version has.) ----- In CeePlusPlus: /*pretty sure this code would compile*/ #include main() { int arr[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; cout << "This is my array, watch as I output it"; for(int i =0;i < 10; i ++) { cout << arr[i]; } cout << "\nThis is my c++ example code to output an array, I wonder what it would be in python?"; } -- arr = range(1,11) # alternatively: arr = [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ] print "This is my array, which I will output." for i in arr: print i, print "\nNot so different, just a bit simpler, isn't it?" If you don't mind Python's list output style, you can avoid the loop: arr = range(1,11) print 'This is my array, which I will output.' print arr print "Even simpler, isn't it?" If you do mind Python's list output style, you can convert and trim the edges: arr = range(1,11) print 'This is my array, which I will output.' print str(arr)[1:-1] print "This is a bit of a cheat." Or more obscurely: arr = range(1,11) print 'This is my array, which I will output.' print ' '.join([str(i) for i in arr]) print "Rather different, isn't it?" Or even more obscurely: arr = range(1,11) print 'This is my array, which I will output.' print 10*"%s "%tuple(arr) print "TMTOWTDI but not all are equally good." ---- In PerlLanguage: taken from # # draw the pegs on the board based on the information # contained in the board object # # dx, dy, radius, units are global vars # # $can is a Tk::Canvas object sub placePegs { my $can = shift; my $board = shift; my $hole = 0; my $tag; my $radius = 10; $tag = "HOLE_$hole"; $can->create(oval => $dx*($units/2)-$radius, $dy-$radius, $dx*($units/2)+$radius, $dy+$radius, -fill => $board->{'holes'}[$hole]->{'peg'}, -tag => [$tag] ); $can->bind( $tag, '