'''Links to RecentChanges on other PublicWikiForums:''' * AbbeNormal: http://ourpla.net/cgi/pikie?RecentChanges * AiWiki: http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/ailab/aiwiki/aiw.cgi?RecentChanges * BookShelved: http://bookshelved.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?BookOfChanges * CocoaDev Wiki (Cocoa): http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?RecentChanges * CreationMatters: http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RecentChanges * EmacsWiki (a wiki about GNU Emacs): http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/RecentChanges * FoxForumWiki (VisualFoxPro): http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?wiki~RecentChanges * Go Wiki: http://senseis.xmp.net/?RecentChanges * GreenLightWiki: http://Greenlightwiki.com * Guides for cities: http://openguides.org * JiniWiki: http://www.cdegroot.com/cgi-bin/jini?RecentChanges * KmWiki (KnowledgeManagement): http://kmwiki.wikispaces.com/space/changes * MacBrickout Wiki: http://www.leapfrogsw.com/cgi-bin/qwiki?RecentChanges * MeatballWiki (see MeatBall): http://meatballwiki.org/wiki/RecentChanges * NeuroWiki: http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/~andel/neurowiki/nw.cgi?RecentChanges * OSPedia (Open Source): http://ospedia.osdir.com/RecentChanges * PortlandPatternRepository (Here!): http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?RecentChanges * SeattleWireless: http://www.seattlewireless.net/RecentChanges * SenseisLibrary: http://senseis.xmp.net/?RecentChanges * SpookyWiki: http://www.spookydistance.com/cgi-bin/public-wiki.pl?RecentChanges * SQLServer: http://sql.wikis.com/wc.dll?sql~RecentChanges * SqueakSmalltalk: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/recent * TolkienWiki ("Lord of the Rings" and other books by JrrTolkien): http://www.thetolkienwiki.org/wiki.cgi?RecentChanges * TunesWiki: http://tunes.org/cliki/ (2000-2006, now frozen) * TwikiClone ** The Original Twiki : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/WebChanges ** Code Development : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/WebChanges ** Plug Ins : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WebChanges ** Support : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Support/WebChanges * UseModWiki ** UseMod Wiki : http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RecentChanges ** Rss Feed : http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?action=rss * VB Wiki (VbClassic stream of VisualBasic): http://vb.wikis.com/wc.dll?vb~RecentChanges * WhyClublet: http://clublet.com/c/c/why?RecentChanges * WikiPedia: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Recentchanges * ZwikiWeb (ZopeApplicationServer): http://zwiki.org/RecentChanges See WikiWikiClone for links to many more wikis. See SwitchWiki for a links to *every* known public wiki. See WikiNode for a short list of wiki that are closely related to C2. ---- '''RecentChanges on German wikis:''' * DseWiki: http://www.wikiservice.at/dse/wiki.cgi?RecentChanges * DeWikiPedia: http://de.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?RecentChanges * BonsaiWiki: http://tomk32.homelinux.org/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Spezial:Recentchanges ---- '''Recently unreachable''' * http://www.politizen.com/wiki.asp?list ''Cool, huh?'' * GreenCheese: http://www.greencheese.us/Focus (the greencheese.us domain seems to have expired '''2010-04-09''') ---- A '''generic link''' to lots of RecentChanges (possibly not explicitly covered on this page) is http://www.google.com/search?q=RecentChanges. -- fp ---- (Changes''''''On''''''Wiki''''''Clones moved here) ''Why? Other sites link directly to Changes''''''On''''''Wiki''''''Clones.'' Meaningful names for interlinking Wikis are practical for the expected explosion of PublicWikiForums, due to the launch of TheWikiWay book to the wider public. The adhoc term Changes''''''On''''''Wiki''''''Clones doesn't scale, because it is meanwhile ambiguous. -- FridemarPache ''It takes either enormous confidence or enormous cheek to predict and seek to take charge of meaningfulness and practicality in such important areas. It's fair to look at a person's past track record of meaningfulness and practicality on Wiki. WardCunningham has a good track record. Others have worked closely with Ward, responded to his requests, learnt from him and slowly gained confidence to take such "global" decisions. All the while retaining the respect of the community. The names of others who have tried to be a crucial and formative influence are also remembered but not always with such respect. -- RichardDrake'' Do you mean ambivalent between each model of wiki and each particular wiki? If so, please see WikiEngineWikiForum. ''Do you mean ambivalent or ambiguous?'' Thank you for the friendly hints. I inserted 'meanwhile' and 'ambiguous' to clarify the intent. -- fp ---- other lists of WIKI sites: The Wiki Map http://undertheoak.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?InterWikiMap IA WIKI http://www.iawiki.net/IAwiki Easy Topic Maps http://easytopicmaps.com/index.php?page=RecentChanges http://ourpla.net/cgi/pikie?RecentChanges http://wiki22.parsimony.net/cgi-wiki22/wiki/program/db-such.cgi? Time for a clean-up? At 24 July 2004 the above links didn't work (and I only checked half the list): http://wiki.schmeez.org/wiki/RecentChanges http://www.object-arts.com/cgi-local/changes.pl/Dolphin http://www.stambaugh-inc.com/scripts/MuWebWeb?RecentChanges tabellenname=wiki40605&output=out-neu.htm&alphabetize=Aenderungsdatum&sort=datumreverse http://www.metamech.com/wiki/changes/Main -- AndrewCates ---- The following links to the RecentChanges of other Wikis do not work on 9 April, 2010. I've moved them from the toplevel list here so they don't disappear altogether. My own comments for each link are inside a pair of parentheses starting with (''gk:'') at the end of each line. The list of broken or otherwise inaccessible Wiki''''''s I could find includes the following links. Should we clean these up? — GiorgosKeramidas * AcadWiki: http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/acadwiki/RecentChanges * CoP Glossary http://undertheoak.net/wiki/Main/AllRecentChanges ''was http://undertheoak.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RecentChanges'' (''gk:'' seems to have been replaced by a Drupal site but no wiki there now) * CrystalMethodologies: http://alistair.cockburn.us/crystal/wiki/RecentChanges (''gk:'' AlistairCockburn's site seems to have been redesigned, no wiki or RecentChanges there as far as I can tell) * DarachWiki: http://wiki.schmeez.org/wiki/RecentChanges * DolphinSmalltalk: http://www.object-arts.com/cgi-local/changes.pl/Dolphin * eljWiki (Eiffel Language): http://wiki22.parsimony.net/cgi-wiki22/wiki/program/db-such.cgi?tabellenname=wiki40605&output=out-neu.htm&alphabetize=Aenderungsdatum&sort=datumreverse (BrokenLink 2004-11-27) (''gk:'' still not loadable 5.5 years later) * ErlangWiki: http://erlang.sics.se:5000/wiki/lastEdited (ErlangLanguage) (''gk:'' no response from server) * JosWiki (Java Operating System): http://www.metamech.com/wiki/changes/Main (temporary: see http://www.jos.org/ for status) (''gk:'' domain seems to have expired) * Lego robotics kit: http://www.object-arts.com/cgi-local/changes.pl/Lego-Robotics * LufWiki (Space Colonization): http://www.luf.org/bin/view/Main/WhatsNew (''gk:'' page not found) * MuWebWeb (discussion of wikis and of organizing information): http://www.stambaugh-inc.com/scripts/MuWebWeb?RecentChanges (''gk:'' the site seems to have gone through a reorganization, and there's no RecentChanges page there anymore) * NetVillage: http://www.netbros.com/RecentChanges (''gk:'' page not found) * ObjectStudio Wiki (Smalltalk): http://ostudio.swiki.net/.recentchanges * OregonStateUniversityCsWiki: http://www.cs.orst.edu/cgi-bin/CS/wiki/rcswiki?RecentChanges * OrgPatterns (Organizational Patterns): http://www.bell-labs.com/cgi-user/OrgPatterns/OrgPatterns?RecentChanges * PatternStoriesWiki: http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/patternStories/Recent+Changes * PhpWiki: http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/?RecentChanges (''gk:'' the wiki tries to load a usable copy of the phpwiki from SourceForge but fails to display any content) * ScshWiki: http://www.scsh.net/cgi-bin/changes.cgi (''gk:'' a wiki seems to be present, but whatever is left of it is not functional at all) * SleeplessNightWiki (Quartus Forth): http://kristopherjohnson.net/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/WebChanges * TeeWiki: (''gk:'' no link for Tee''''''Wiki on 2010-04-09) * Use Cases: http://www.usecases.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UseCasesRecentChanges - link did not work on Sept 7, 2004 ** See Crystal Methodologies : http://alistair.cockburn.us/crystal/wiki/UseCases * VisualWorks Smalltalk (see http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/ for more wikis): http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/VisualWorks/Recent+Changes * YpsilantiEyeball: http://sknkwrks.dyndns.org:1957/writewiki/wiki.pl?RecentChanges (''gk:'' not accessible on 2010-04-09. I'm not sure dyndns-based wikis are stable enough to be listed here, even tough I host one on my own laptop too) * ZaurusWiki: ''nada, it gone bye-bye''