Part of a new paradigm in computing ...

We are in the beginning of the development of a new concept of computing and computers that will have significant effect on what we think a computer is. In a recent paper referenced below, it is said: 

"The focus and use is not an individual computer and its resources, but a network of computer and resources, indeed, a network of ''all computers''".

It is further posited that: 

"OR/MS will evolve and redefine itself as computer networks emerge as the environment of choice for many applications."

"The planning resources (people, data, computers) will be distributed over a network that has a range of computers (from supercomputers to cellular phones) and different software (operating systems, databases)."

"the systems must be .... flexible to address situations the designers cannot anticipate"

"the systems must have an open architecture that allows additional capabilities to be added without ..(causing).. disruption"

''Quotes are from the references shown at the end of this page.
Beginning with the foregoing as a basis, it is conceivable that an identifiable person, group, or machine, identified as a cell phone connected to the network(computer), identifiable with certain permissions, resource privileges, urgency levels, mission responsibilities and other network attributes, might place a query cursor on an identifiable position or location on a map, or might have had previously been identified to have a cursor automatically identify its position on  a map location via GPS technology. By using a RemoteEvaluationAlgorithm, the Network(Computer) could assemble and distribute to all registered, interested, and validated parties all pertinent information and resources which apply to that location and assets committed or resident there. This might encompasses all pertinent factors, all currently available data available through the network(computer) concerning all known, connected, associated, assigned or committed identifiables which apply to the identified location. 
To put it another way: You are in a company car, driving from Chicago to Detroit, and your company is interested in your progress and possible arrival time at its headquarters building to attend a meeting with others, also enroute. You are the Design leader of a division responsible for the electronic components which will be a part of a revolutionary automobile which is envisioned to take the market by storm upon its introduction in just another 180 days. You are the key presenter, upon which this meeting will rely and your arrival time is important, not only to the company, but to others who are key parties and who are part of the strategic planning team and who are either already at the headquarters building, or also are in company cars enroute. All key parties are tracked as to location and potential arrival time at the headquarters. The meeting time is scheduled to begin at earliest, at the time you arrive at the Headquarters, and when all key parties are scheduled to arrive. The Network(computer) is tracking and presenting the expected meeting time to all travelers and all other key parties already at headquarters. The Evaluation Algorithm applied to the network(computer) has been given a name "GM600MeetingTime" a priority "Urgent", and a window of opportunity "200807171000-200807171730". You arrive at 200708171215 and the meeting begins, all other parties are present and/or counted as present (attendant "Virtually").
The meeting goes without a hitch and the expected introduction date is not at risk. Everyone is happy and after the meeting a dinner of celebration is held. You are promoted as a result effective 20081015 to head the corporate planning division  as chief operations officer. Cheers!

What in the above now exists?
*''All key parties are tracked as to location and potential arrival time '' 
** 20110113 - Can now be done in near real time, with Glympse (see below reference links)
What's happening now?
* The person of interest uses FaceBook to give followers or others interested, a Glympse Url (which presently includes a max time of following of 4 hours) which, when entered into the N''''''avigateTo entry of an InternetBrowser, allows presentation of a near-real-time location of the person followed. 
* My brother and I have used this in conjunction with Skype and a mobile laptop computer to carry on conversations as if I was in the passenger's seat beside him, looking through his windshield. He was on his way over to my HomeOffice and I was able to see when he would arrive and to tell him about the progress of a joint effort. I occasionally was able to use the internet and to share with him information and links, which if important enough he could pull over and refer to himself. (Skype has an Instant Message capability which can be used, whether or not a call or video connection is active). In the IM section you can also make file transfers. The file transfer is made via a link given as an IM. (since the transfer can only be made while connections exist, I also put the files to be transferred as a link to a temporary llocation in my own WebSite. The Im Queue can also be cut n pasted (in my case to OneNote) "for the record" journal entry. With the introduction of 5.0, and a subscription, it is possible also to conduct conference videos. (We have successfuly used up to 4, and sometimes 5 people at a time from Seattle to Atlanta to Texas to California, all with regard to common interests in information and processes. I perceive this as only a beginning of what will be possible in the very near future, available as free, or low cost options from providers. With the advent of 4G data access, this and far more will become common place. 

What Else?
* Extending Capabilities by Remote Evaluation
* I am presently looking into the use of remote data and computing in a form of ReactiveDemandProgramming, with the target of utilizing SmallFootprintComputing, or MiniatureFootprintComputing to enable the computing device, even though possessing limited individual capabilities, to use remote networked computers to accomplish stuff the device would not be able to do all by and within itself. 

Contributors: DonaldNoyes.20070806.20110113.20121010
* Computers in Network Computation
* Glympse

* NotSoFarOutComputing
