SoftwareEngineer, long time WikiLurker, in awe of this amazing web experiment ---- big fan of MacApp. IMHO, this is a much under-rated framework, (getting a bit long in the tooth now). ---- Not a big fan of BigDesignUpFront, big fan of ProperPriorPlanningPreventsPissPoorPerformance How do you strike the right balance between too much planning and not enough planning ?? ---- Categorization experiment. Lately its occurred to me that there should be more links here to pages I want to keep an eye on. But how to organize them? A large volume on my desk is a copy of "TheComputerScienceAndEngineeringHandbook". I've always liked the way it breaks down the subject matter into sections. * 1 - Algorithms and Data Structures * 2 - Architecture * 3 - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics * 4 - Computational Science * 5 - Database and Information Retrieval * 6 - Graphics * 7 - Human-Computer Interaction * 8 - Operating Systems and Networks * 9 - Programming Languages * 10 - Software Engineering ---- mail to : richardac at gmail dot com some pages I like: RandomPages ItsWardsWiki GoldilocksSolution ''(Sorry, it's been moved from "T''''''hreeBears")'' BullAnt ZerothChurchOfAlonzo WhimsicalUnitsOfMeasurement MyVeryElderlyMotherJustServedUsNinePickles DoTheThingThatCouldPossiblyWork DeleteJunkie ... many many more ---- CategoryHomePage