I do my stuff usually involving Java, Unix, object-orientation and web-techniques. My interests are not limited to Java alone though, since I am a big fan of other OO-languages like Smalltalk, Objective-C and Eiffel. Some nice links for you folx are: * http://www.smalltalk.org -- Smalltalk everywhere! * http://www.eiffel.com -- from the one and only Bertrand Meyer * http://www.squeak.org -- squeeze that mouse and cough up some objects! * http://smarteiffel.loria.fr -- the FREE GNU Eiffel compiler * http://www.gnustep.org -- GNU's free OPENSTEP implementation (Objective-C galore!) * http://www.electronicscene.com/kat_yidaki -- And now for something completely different: my music! ---- CategoryHomePage