''An imaginary person who visits us from 100 years ago, having gone to sleep since then, only to awake in our time of 2014 and beyond - '' ComicNotion.DonaldNoyes.20141115 ---- ''Surprised and unable to interpret WhatIsGoingOn given a 100 year absence and notion of what things are'' Wearing strange looking garb and looking strange otherwise, and seems always to be scraching the top of his/her head ( The DramaticIdentity of a guy named RipVanModern , or otherwise a gal, with the DramaticIdentity of RhondaVanWinkle, who doesn't understand the surronding or happenings, like the greeting "Hey Guys" when addressing a mixed company of individuals, or "Seriously" seeming to mean "are you sure".) ---- CategoryHumor CategoryDramaticIdentity