Homepage: http://www.riters.com/ Riters.com is a wiki farm. You can create your own wiki for free and without limitation, or help contribute to wikis that others have started. They also provide Internet consultancy services to non-profit organizations for a low fee, or to for-profit organizations at a negotiable rate. They run several private wikis that are inaccessible to the public. Private wikis can be created by contacting Riters.com at their web site. Creepy Interface Wiki: RitersComWiki ---- '''Discussion:''' Any comments anybody? I've emailed them asking about T''''''ermsOfUse, S''''''ervicePolicy, and C''''''opyrightOwnership, but no responses yet. -- EzequielValenzuela I'd like to contribute with the Spanish translation of MoinMoin (the WikiEngine used in RitersCom), provided that RitersCom is willing to implement it in their farm, but the contact page seems to be gone. Issues listed before are also of my concern. How can I reach RitersCom? Is this a sign of imminent death? Should I continue seeding the wiki? -- RafaelPi I checked it out. It's not, but I couldn't seem to create a new page. ---- '''NOTE!''' 1-26-2005 The wiki farm is alive and well. Over 700 wikis have been created at Riters.com. Formal information such as T''''''ermOfUse, S''''''ervicePolicy, and C''''''opyrightOwnership is defined in the FAQ. Contact me through the contact form at http://riters.com/?content=Contact%20Us -- Alex Pooley (Riters.com owner) ---- 10-25-2007 The wiki farm has been off-line for some weeks now. Alex? Are you there? Rick van der Meiden. http://graphics.tudelft.nl/~rick