Wiki relies on carefully chosen names to give the visitor a sense of direction. However, when the trail grows to a tangled mesh, it's time to make a RoadMap. '''Complete list of roadmaps on this wiki''' * AlgorithmsRoadMap * ArchitectureAntiPatternRoadMap * CeePlusPlusRoadMap -- C and C++ * CommunityPatternsRoadmap * ComponentDesignPatterns -- The frontpage to an ongoing project. * DesignPatternsRoadMap * DevelopmentAntiPatternRoadMap * DevelopmentDiagramsRoadMap -- The usage of diagrams in a project. * EjbRoadmap -- An entry point to pages about Enterprise Java Beans. * ExceptionPatterns -- control flow mechanism for dealing with errors and other unexpected events. * ExtremeProgrammingImplementationIssues -- Common XP Implementation issues. * ExtremeProgrammingRoadmap -- KentBeck dubs a curious collection of programming principles and practices ''extreme''. * JavaPatterns, JavaIdioms -- We call ''the things we do because we know they work'' patterns. Now we're all moving to Java and we want to know how our experience transfers. * LeaderShip -- An entry point to pages about leadership. * LispRoadMap -- for those interested in Lisp related pages. * ManagementAntiPatternRoadMap * ManagementRoadMap -- Planning and controlling all kinds of work (very good work, much appreciated -- DeleteWhenCooked) * ManufacturingRoadmap -- Pages about designing and making physical things * NewAnalogiesForSoftware -- Try it, you'll like it * PatternsRoadMap * PoemsParodyAndFilkRoadMap -- Original poetry, parody, and filk bred on the Wiki. * ScrumRoadmap -- The Scrum Development Process * SelfDocumentingCode -- HowTo etc. * SelfImprovementPatternsRoadMap * SmalltalkRoadmap -- useful pages about the SmalltalkLanguage. * SpamDefenseRoadmap -- link to pages and information related to spam threats and countermeasures * TourBusStop for the WorldWideWikiWeb, i.e. a tour of some wikis. * TqlRoadmap -- Top's QueryLanguage is in development. * WebServicesRoadMap -- a centralized place where to find information about WebServices * WikiPagesAboutBreakingThingsIntoPieces * WikiPagesAboutContinualImprovement * WikiPagesAboutRefactoring -- When we change the code for a purpose other than changing its behavior, we call that refactoring. * WikiPagesAboutWhatArePatterns -- We were once dedicated to patterns and probably should be so again. * WorkHoursRoadmap -- the working environment and particularly the number of hours worked * XpVersionControlRoadmap '''For something that's a little more of an index than a road map''' * AdaptiveProcess * AgileProcess * CategoryCategory -- concept for organizing Wiki pages. * CategoryLifeStrategies * IwannaLearn -- ...various programming languages * ParadigmPissingMatch * ProgrammingParadigm''''''s * ReallyValuablePages -- some of everything * UnifiedModelingLanguage -- Index of Uml related pages. ---- Related * RoadMap for construction hints! * BelongsToRoadmaps ---- CategoryRoadMap