I'm a software developer by trade and by choice. Currently working for a consulting firm in Madison, Wisconsin doing java web development. I also strive to be a PragmaticProgrammer and keep things agile as much as possible. This year I've been slowly learning RubyLanguage lately along with RubyOnRails. I've also had a chance to do quite a bit with AjaxWebApplications using DirectWebRemoting in Java. Check my blog below for speaking schedule on ajax in the Wisconsin area. Recently (as of 11/16/05) became co-editor of http://www.ajaxian.com. I sign my entries because I like to know who I'm talking with, but please don't let that stop you from editing/revising/whatever. Currently reading: * The Pragmatic Programmer India book with the really long title * TheCathedralAndTheBazaar * ObjectDesign Read this year: * HowToBeAlone * HeadFirstDesignPatterns * J2eeDevelopmentWithoutEjb * HibernateInAction * too many others to mention... Blog and home page: http://www.robsanheim.com ---- CategoryHomePage