RobertGoodwin (Flip''''''Side) is a rap emcee from Boston, who is also a cyberneticist with a degree in Political Science from the University of New Hamphire. He edits Haters Magazine. He actively promotes himself, his label, FreeSpeech, elitism, egoism, technology, and robotics innovations. He is the first known human in the Boston area to have a bot replicant of himself stored on wireless network. He is adamantly reductionist in computer language uses, preferring an OccamsRazor style simplicity of ComputerLinguisticMonism, and can be found at the MIT parts fair. Everything he creates is associated with the name Flip''''''Side and no other, much as everything Willy Wonka bakes is known by Wonka and not Gene Wilder. Everything that is except the Slugworth Sizzler. For more see [BrokenLink, as of 25 Oct 2006] ---- CategoryHomePage