A prolific and instructive contributor to CompLangJavaProgrammer, and webmaster of the Java Glossary (). ---- What's Happened To RoedyGreen? - His very informative web site http://mindprod.com has not been working for a while. This is obviously a concern because of his medical condition. ---- Well, a quick look at comp.lang.java.advocacy has him still posting his irrepressible views on most things today (2001-09-24), and his sig contains a link to the defunct website (can't reach it from here either)..... hopefully it will be back up soon. As an aside, java.advocacy seems to have sunk from its usual flame-fest into a political discussion ground.... i thought that usenet was wide enough to soak this sort of thing up. ---- His site is back up, with several recent updates. Yay :) ---- As of today (15-Apr-2002), I can reach http://mindprod.com fine; last week I was not. It seems this problem comes and goes. ---- Deaths of famous geeks always make me wonder how Roedy's doing. Incidentally, he seems to still be alive (2003-10-06), posting away as usual. I am very happy that this is the case. -- TomAnderson I also get a stab of panic when his website's down, as it is right now (2004-01-10). According to , though, he's still on the case - ''Roedy: DESTROY ALL REPUBLICANS!!!''. -- ta ---- CategoryPerson