I work for a company that builds commercial web sites, and today we lost some business to a group that does XP, which prompted me to do some research on the subject. I wound up here, going round and round the Wiki all the day long. Wow. ----------- Hey Anne-Michelle ( AnneMichelleTessier )... wondering if you'll discover this page. Love, Dad ----- Taking a guess here based on your name: are you in Quebec ? --------- -- Nope, but my ancestors go way back there. People in Quebec always pronounce my name so much better than I do that it's embarrassing. --------- I am out here but i am sure i am not the Roger Tessier you are looking for....or am I? Roger L. Tessier III ---------- AMT (that is, AnneMichelleTessier ) has indeed found this page (today - April 4, 2004) ... She just found this place for the first time, and frankly she's a little overwhelmed, plus what she usually does isn't this computational, because she's a UmassLinguist so - see you around, Dad. ---------- CategoryHomePage