''Ross, AreYouThere? 2004-12-01, last edit 1997-12-24'' I came here at LucianSmith 's suggestion. I don't really get patterns, but I'm trying to learn. My major contribution to the world of InteractiveFiction (aside from witty reparte), is the dozen or so libraries I've written in the InformLanguage, all of which are publicly available on the Interactive Fiction Archive. I've also made some contributions to InteractiveFictionPatterns I can be reached here: mailto:rraszews@hotmail.com and here: mailto:rraszews@teamknightrider.com as well as: mailto:rraszews@skipjack.bluecrab.org not to mention: mailto:lraszewski@loyola.edu and even occasionally at: mailto:rraszews@usa.net Nearly forgot: mailto:rraszews@acm.org ---------- CategoryHomePage