Designed by MartinOdersky, Scala is a modern MultiParadigmProgrammingLanguage designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and TypeSafe way. It smoothly integrates features of ObjectOrientedProgramming and FunctionalProgramming languages. * * - "A Brief History of Scala" by Odersky * - "First Steps to Scala" * - "Programming in Scala" - the book - Pre-print PDF available. Monads and Arrows have been implemented in ScalaLanguage - see Book: ProgrammingScala ''Wampler and Payne'' ( OreillyAndAssociates ) ---- For a discussion on the nature of ScalaLanguage see ---- 20101003 ChrisGarrod tried to put this into HelloWorldInManyProgrammingLanguages, but that page kept being reverted by What a deterrent to editing! In my ten years at this wiki, this is the first time my changes been attacked by a robot. RecentChanges discourages me from participation here. HelloWorld in Scala is discussed in several steps on this page: println("Hello, world, from a script!") ---- BridJay (BridJ) is a way for JavaLanguage and ScalaLanguage to make calls to CeeLanguage or CeePlusPlus code. ---- Scala, it seems to me, is about making Java cleaner, while adding some functional concepts in the process. For example, instead of static methods on a class, you define a singleton object for the class. object HelloWorld { def main : Unit = println("Hello, world!") // This is a method, not a variable. Variables are introduced with var. } This is different from the static-method-on-class model because it makes an actual, first-class object. class MyList[+T](first : T, rest : MyList[T]) {// Constructors look like ordinary closures. Very clean! Even C++ doesn't have initialization this clean! // ^---------- Note: type variance of T is covariant. def foreach(op : T => Unit) : Unit = { // Higher-order foreach function. // Just like HaskelLanguage''''''s a -> (). Foreach's type in Haskel would be written as ml a -> (a -> ()) -> (). op(first) rest.foreach(op) } } // The above is not actually the important part, otherwise I would have introduced a lot more features there. object MyNil extends MyList[Nothing] { // Nothing is the BottomType. override def foreach(op : Any => Unit) = () // Do nothing at last list instance. // (Oh, Any is the TopType.) } /* Roughly equivalent to: val MyNil = new MyList[Nothing] { override def foreach(op : Any => Unit) = () } However, you can declare objects which are also classes, to get static members. Also, you can make those objects-of-classes functor objects. This means you can use the factory pattern without actually appearing to use it! */ MyList(1, MyList(2, MyList(3, Nil))) foreach print // Demonstration of Scala's flexible syntax: infix methods. // Operators like +, -, *, and / are actually parsed as infix methods. // Oh, and functions are first-class. ---- CategoryProgrammingLanguage CategoryFunctionalProgramming CategoryMultiparadigm