Seaside Web Application Framework See A ModalWebFramework that implements WebTransactionsWithContinuations, written in SmalltalkLanguage. Originally inspired by WebObjects and the work of PaulGraham for the YahooStore, it: * is written in SmalltalkLanguage (originally SqueakSmalltalk) * optionally uses CallWithCurrentContinuation to provide very sophisticated control flow and backtracking support. Applications built with it include DabbleDb, a spreadsheet-like database, and PierCms, a wiki and web ContentManagementSystem. Reading others' code is also a learning activity, since all source code in SeasideFramework is available. Canadian Smalltalkers AviBryant and JulianFitzell created Seaside in 2001. Community leaders include LukasRenggli , PhilippeMarschall, and MichelBany. Version 2.8 was released in 2007, and as of 2009, development of version 3.0 continues under PharoSmalltalk, with ports to other Smalltalks. ---- Areas I have found useful in my pursuit of WebAppCreationNirvana: (13 or more sections). As you can see, its written in .cz, but I've learned that when you adapt to the various Smalltalk idioms, the program becomes the documentation. ---- How does this compare to RubyOnRails? ''Rails is a full web development stack. Seaside doesn't provide data-access mechanisms out of the box, even though Magma (a pure Smalltalk object database for Squeak) seems to be a popular combination. I don't think it would be possible to create sites like DabbleDb in an agile manner using anything but a ModalWebFramework.'' There is a port of an early version of Seaside 2 to Ruby, the BorgesFramework ( ---- There was a colloquium on Seaside at PortlandStateUniversity on February 20, 2006. Presented by AviBryant of Smallthought Systems. * ---- CategorySoftwareTool