,0,0,60,60_.jpg ''"A security blanket is any familiar object whose presence provides comfort or security to its owner, such as the literal blankets often favoured by small children."'' ''"A comfort object is an item used to provide psychological comfort, especially in unusual or unique situations, or at bedtime for small children. Among toddlers, comfort objects may take the form of a blanket, a stuffed animal, or a favorite toy, and may be referred to by the terms blankey and lovey."'' ---- ---- SecurityIsaBlanket, or is it wool over your eyes? Is it there to keep people feelings warm, or is it a drug to escape from reality? ''Let me put forth this suggestion. A SecurityBlanket is useful if it covers the body completely (e.g. a FireWall is supposed to do that), it is a means of SelfDeceit if it covers the eyes (SeeNoEvil).'' ---- Back to IT. Some say ComputerSecurityIsImpossible, but I surmise while CompleteSecurityIsImpossible, CompleteInsecurityIsUnplatable. ---- In matters related to LifePatterns, how much security is good enough? What costs should one be paying for how much security? ---- CategorySecurity CategoryBigPicture