''Using stuff you create '' DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20140820 ---- --- '''selfdogfooding''' *** http://indiewebcamp.com/selfdogfood '''is''' a specific form of dogfooding * using your own creations on your own personal site that you depend on, day to day * Metaphorically speaking, a person's ideas must be the building he lives in - otherwise there is something terribly wrong. ** Søren Kierkegaard - introduction to Provocations '''has''' several required components * the first two of which it shares with dogfooding: ** active creation (whether code, UX, interactive/visual/graphic design) ** use of that creation (e.g. by your company) '''use''' * you yourself personally using your creation for your own personal uses ** it's not just part of your day job that you shut off when you go home * self identification/dependency ** using your creation in some manner that represents you, your self ** part of your primary identity on the web ** act of creation alters an aspect of the public "self" of the creator ---- CategorySoftwareProduct CategoryDefinition