A Pattern language - SkunkWorkEngineering Rarely are SkunkWorks projects supported or encouraged by a company. It is a very difficult thing to manage and control from an ''official company policies'' point of view. Some corporations have dabbled in supporting SkunkWorks (Hewlett-Packard kept an 'open lab and supplies' policy to encourage tinkering...), but it is still rare. 3M had something like this. Do they still? By realizing that you have a need to develop something in the SkunkWorks it does not suggest that a corporation is bad or restrictive. Change is hard to promote, and it must sometimes evolve from a ''grass-roots'' movement. An example: You are in a corporation of several hundred people. The corporation as a whole will not make a move to Object Oriented Technology. Maybe the group you are in are reluctant to be the first to make such a move (lack of training, inertia, contract or customer constraints, etc). This is where SkunkWorks comes into play. -- ToddCoram Everyone is encouraged to modify, annotate and expand upon the following list of possible SkunkWorks Patterns: * '''DesignTheRightThing''' - Work toward the right solution, even if a worse one has been ''suggested''. * '''SneakInNewTechnologies''' - Introduce new techniques silently. * '''TwoDocsForThePriceOfOne''' - If your documentation standard is lousy, supplement it with a more robust style (perhaps in Pattern form?) * '''ProofInPudding''' - Make sure that you are successful, it is hard to argue against success. * '''RevolutionThruEvolution''' - Slowly change the way you develop software. * '''HitHardAndFast''' - Don't wait around for an audit. Take too long and someone will figure out that you are doing something ''different''. * '''AlwaysMeetDeadlines''' - See LieToYourManager. * '''LieToYourManager''' - As long as you deliver, don't mention the fact that you are trying new and different stuff... This can be dangerous though... * '''RunSilentRunDeep''' - SkunkWorks should NOT be high, medium or low profile, it should be sub-low profile. * '''NoSilverBullet''' (If you meet the Buddha in the middle of the road, kill him) - Don't get trapped in the idea that you have found the ''perfect'' technique that will revolutionize the company. * '''LordOfTheFlies''' - Don't soothe management, beat it to death. * '''GiveThemWhatTheyNeed''' - If the ProofInPudding, and management doesn't know what to do because IcouldDoThisInaWeek , then just GiveThemWhatTheyNeed. * '''DontAskPermission''' - Sometimes it's a lot easier to just do the right thing than to get the appropriate signatures on a proposal to do the right thing. ---- PaulMcKenney sent me these additions: * '''MakeApostlesSuccessful''' - if the idea is ''really'' radical, you may need to prove that others can adopt it. Find some risk-tolerant colleagues and help them use your idea. Do whatever it takes to make sure that they don't fail. * '''AlwaysHaveOneOnTheBackBurner''' - Skunkworks projects are risky and prone to failure. The only way you will get a reasonable number of successes is to Try, Try, Again. This is particularly important if you are trying something truly new (as opposed to transferring proven technology from somewhere else). * '''CultivateSenseOfHumor''' - You will need it. ;-) ---- The Lockheed lawyers periodically remind people that Lockheed has a trademark on the phrase "Skunk Works". Such a reminder appears in a recent Doctor Dobbs Journal. -- DaveSmith ''Insane. What are they going to do? Release a product with that name someday?'' [Lockheed's tight claim to this trademark is particularly amusing when you consider that ''skunkworks'' translates as ''our company's management would screw this project up if they knew it existed''.] ---- Lockheed is jealous of the name. They got SCO to rename their "Skunkware" tools CD with legal pressure. ---- See: BasicOperatingRulesOfLockheedsSkunkworks ---- CategoryPattern