Slackananda is a friend of TexasStu's. TexasStu likes Slackananda so much, that he created this page about him! Slackananda himself may edit this page at some point. (Introduction) more about slackananda: : It's hard to believe I started this site four years ago. : It's also hard to believe that it's been more than two years since I have really worked on it. : It's also been two years since I have really written much of anything besides work related email, and that's just not right. : Still, I am glad for the hiatus, for it has been a needed time of transition. : Better not to write at all than record volumes of garbage. from: [the site has since been removed] ---- Interesting website. I understand where he's coming from. -- AndyPierce ---- Thanks AndyPierce! Just found this Wiki. Didn't know what a Wiki was until today. Just saw RealNamesPlease. Would like to say that I agree with the reasons for the policy. I also understand it is not an ironclad rule. I am Slackananda, and I am not ashamed of who I am. I have kept a web site at for almost four years. I have been, am, and will continue to be Slackananda. If my real name is of importance, WhoIs has it ready at hand.... Interesting Coincidence with my recent obsession with Powermarks URL managing software. I "invented" WikiWord''''''s on my own about a week ago! -- SlackAnanda ---- CategoryHomePage