---- One cyberpunk's vision of the future PC: * processor & RAM in one pocket * storage drive in another on a keychain * wirelessly connecting to ** each other when in range ** screens ** keyboards ** mice ** printers ** other PCs ** etc * PC can mostly be forgotten, ItJustWorks when you're near an interface - Walk into a room ** on one system (perhaps a TV with a game controller ** in another (with keyboard, mouse, and monitor) and start typing ** Then another and click a pointer to display your presentation on the projector * Battery life sufficient for at least 36 hours. * Ideally, a portable screen and keyboard could fold to the size & weight of a thin letter-sized folder ** or, thicker but smaller, a paperback book (but would unfold to a nice ergonomic size * Something easy to carry around for when you're not in the vicinity of a big screen and clicky keyboard ** Using LargeLcdDisplay ** UsingLargeFormatMonitors ---- Why not some form of video glasses for display? Smaller, better privacy, works when moving? Also, a projector might be a good option for a monitor replacement when near vertical surfaces. ---- I'm sure I saw an article recently on using the web camera on a laptop and facial recognition to add security. If it detects your face then that's ok, if it detects another face (looking over your shoulder) then it makes the screen blurred. (Could have been April 1st when I saw this...)