SoapToolkit is a series of interim WebServices offering, free from MicrosoftCorporation, to entice larger companies to embrace a web centric computing paradigm. That was before the days of grave concern over security over internet. Currently I have seen an article where it was said Microsoft itself gets 6 million spams, out of 7 million email traffic. * ''I cannot help but think how much wastage in bandwidth is needed to get the real signals through'' SoapToolkit expiry date of end June2004 has been extended to April 2005. Transition to DotNet article from MS can be found at * "SOAP Toolkit support will be retired in April 2005." from MS download webpage checked on 6 Apr05. Is it for real soon? * Anyone can tell me merits "document mode" vs "RPC mode" of SoapToolkit? ( ) <- A DotNet article drew my attention to the "modes" of toolkit based webservices-- DavidLiu * A colleague of mine said there were ''problems in a WebService using SoapToolkit to get more than 1 datatype at once'', and that webservice would probably be orchestrated thru a WebMethods integrator intermediary. Any comments on what seems to be an unlikely restriction? BTW the server is a stored proc in BigBlue DbTwo, whereas the client is a ActiveServerPages (ASP) based WebApplication. Thanks for help -- DavidLiu ---- '''Good news seen at end June 2004''' from ''...The Microsoft SOAP Toolkit is deprecated by the .NET Framework. The toolkit provides basic Web services capabilities for COM components and applications. SOAP Toolkit support has been extended from the originally posted July 1, 2004 deadline. Mainstream SOAP Toolkit support will now be retired in April 2005 with extended support lasting until April 2008. ...'' ---- '''Limitations''' As expected, Microsoft is not helping people who are still using the SoapToolkit as it does not help the adoption of DotNet platform. See for example ---- '''Resources''' * Soap messages and ActivexDataObject passing * comparison between MS SoapToolkit and IbmCorporation offering in 2000, and an update few months later at * Information on evolution of SoapToolkit and related mechanisms (till version 2) at * example implementation at * MS slides (2002) on VbClassic WebServices (via ROPE proxy) at ---- Presumably the current (Jul2004) target for migration of SoapToolkit is WebServices Enhancements 2.0. Anyone come across articles on tips and specific changes for such.. undertaking? How about sharing some insights from those of us lucky enough to have undergone similar exercies? ---- CategoryMicrosoft