* Add value by removing that without. [WikiMaster] * ...as simple as possible, but no simpler. [EinsteinPrinciple] '''Projects''' * Do what you say; say what you do. [IsoNineThousand] '''Requirements''' * FirstThingsFirst. [PlanningGame ArtOfChoosingTheNextCard] '''Functionality''' * Everything works. [AcceptanceTest''''''s UnitTest''''''s] * Everything needed today is there; everything there is needed today. [???] '''Quality''' * OnceAndOnlyOnce '''Change''' * DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork [YouArentGonnaNeedIt] * One thing at a time. [OnlyWearOneOfFourHats SitOnTheOtherCards] ---- AKA (also known as) "desired states". ---- For functionality and quality desired states see ExtremeNormalForm. Also see NormalForm, CodeNormalization.