(Warning: List-based BulkHumor follows.) Signs that you are letting StarTrek leak too far into your work habits: * Replaced your Enter key with an Engage key. * If you are in management and have to fire somebody, you say: ** "Kaaaaahn! You are fired!" ** "Our company decided not to assimilate you after all." * Accidently keep calling attractive female coworkers "7". ** One of them understands the reference and slaps you. (Literally, or with a harassment complaint). * "Dammit Jim, I am a programmer, not a network administrator!" * Keep referring to your boss as "Captain". * If your boss asks you to hurry up to reach a deadline, you say with a Scottish accent: "I'm givin' her all I've got, Captain". ** Multiply estimates by a factor of four. * An irate user calls and you head over to visit them mumbling to yourself, "Screw 'stun', phasers on 'kill' this time." * Refer to job interview as "first contact". * Show up for an interview and ask the receptionist to summon "Cap'n Kirk and Mister Spock" * Refer to the fax machine as "the paper transporter". ** Or the "flattened sheet of carbon fibers transporter". * Look at your paycheck and say, "There is no way in hell I'll live long and prosper". * Refer to a CartesianJoin as "Infinite diversity in infinite combinations". * Rig your desktop computer to throw sparks and smoke if a program crashes (see PlasmaToTheFace). * Refer to the marketing department as "the Ferengi". * Refer to your monitor as "the main viewer". * Refer to files with "hidden" attribute as "cloaked". * Refer to over-promised difficult projects as "boldly going where no man has gone before". * Replace "Women" sign on restroom with "where no man has gone before". * Keep saying to the coffee machine, "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot!" * Think wearing red ties will get you canned. * Refer to the server room as "the engine room". ** The cafeteria is "Ten-Forward" ** The main meeting room is "the bridge" * Offsite client visit is an "Away mission". * A vacation is a "Risa visit". * Keep telling users that you are an explorer and not on a military mission. * When you get stuck on a project, you immediately try to call Spock via the wall thermostat. ** Double points if he answers. * Ask coworkers if they want to play Fizzbin after work. * Keep running into doors because they don't automatically open. * Try using the voice interface to your computer. Once it has been pointed out that your Boss hasn't installed speech-recognition, and you should use the keyboard, exclaim, "The keyboard. How quaint!" * "Sorry, boss, I can't come to your office because I am out of transporter range." * Refer to the phone as a "communicator". * "Sorry, I can't hear you clearly on this communicator. There must be trionomic radiation on this planet." (80% of the planets they visit seem to have some kind of radiation that blocks their communication or their transporters. It is powerful enough to knock out 24th-century technology but still not fry humans devoid of space suits.) * You bet 100 Quatloos in the office baseball pool. * You call a coworker's style KlingonProgramming. ** Extra points if you start programming in a Klingon font. * A hostile management take-over is considered "assimilation", and the take-over initiators are called "The Borg". ---- CategoryStarTrek, CategoryHumor, CategoryGetOffMyLawn