StartedAsaGoodCauseSyndrome is about an unwanted member of HumanBehavioralPatterns.

I love history. I can forget about reality that way. See ''overinvested causes'' quote in SelfDeceit.

A lot of communities, including but not limited to organised crime and other secret societies, religious cults, etc, fit the diagnosis StartedAsaGoodCauseSyndrome. These communities went over to the dark side and cause more problems than solutions they originally sought to solve.
* ''I '''know''' you mean well, but look, that's such a strong statement that I can't help but resent it (onlookers: he and I have been talking, so I have reason to think he includes me, there). Lighten up, will you? I, and the others you are addressing, are not evil-doers, no matter what your reservations are. Look at it this way. I mean mean well...but you don't believe that, you think that only '''you''' are in a position to be the one who worries that the future, that '''I'm''' going over to the DarkSideOfTheForce? With you making such strong statements, shouldn't '''I''' worry about '''you'''? There is such a thing as a just war. Look at world war II, the last obvious such, not at the horrors of some more recent wars. It just is not true that only the passive non-combatants are the only ones with the moral higher ground. There is such a thing as '''defense'''. -- DougMerritt''

An individual is a community of one. And in this instance SelfTalk determines the directions taken by the community.
* ''And I am not a community of one.''

'''My apologies. Please Please see my note in your homepage, Doug. Off for at least 2-3 hours to do shopping.''' -- dl DeleteWhenRead

Thanks, talk to you more when you're done with your errands (well, or later, maybe much later, given the time difference :-) -- Doug

'''Does not have to be like this'''

Some communities do seem to come out with their integrity intact over many years. Is the Salvos a good example of a ''persecuted band'' that turn out good? Or maybe the lucky country Australia :)

''So what events/decisions help establish the '''turning points'''? ''

WorkInProgress Need more content that are noncontroversial.  

CategoryCommunication for now