An implementation technique for LexicalScoping. Extracted from GlobalVariablesConsideredHarmful: Here's an example, in a hypothetical language very similar to ''(but not the same as)'' CeeLanguage, but extended to have complete lexical scoping: typedef (*Func''''Ptr)(); Func''''Ptr /* f returns pointer to function */ f() { Func''''Ptr ret; int i = 0; /* here is a lexically scoped func that accesses i */ void g() { printf("%d\n", i); } g(); /* ==> 0 */ ++i; g(); /* ==> 1 */ return g; /* return ptr to nested function g from f */ } main() { Func''''Ptr h; h = f(); /* prints 0, then 1 */ (*h)(); /* indirect call to g(), prints 1 */ } When f() is called via the Func''''Ptr h in main(), g() still has valid access to the stack variable i in f(), which means that the C compiler is not allowed to throw away the stack frame(s) created by f() when f() returns. Also, if f() is recursive, the i that g() references must be the one in the most recent stack frame created by f(). In an implementation using StaticChain''''s, both calls to g() from within f(), in addition to whatever else, would get an implicit pointer to f()'s ActivationRecord passed in; the reference to i within g() goes through this pointer - this is what a StaticChain is. (A "display" uses an external array to contain the stack of back pointers up the lexical structure). Additional nastiness - a CactusStack, heap-allocated ActivationRecord''''s, or other hacks, are needed to handle h() - which is a FirstClass LexicalClosure. The StaticChain/display is required for any sort of lexical scoping, even in the absence of FirstClass LexicalClosure''''s. ---- Also see CactusStack. ---- After changed the printf, I cannot get the result: "indirect call to g(), prints 1", is this a suitable example? Here is my test: [root@test tmp]# ./f 0 1 1 [root@test tmp]# ./g 0 0xbfffe2c8 1 0xbfffe2c8 -1073749304 0xbfffe2c8 [root@test tmp]# diff f.c g.c 7c7 < void g() { printf("%d\n", i); } --- > void g() { printf("%d %p\n", i, &i); } [root@test tmp]# * No, you need to use a language other than C. ---- No C compilers support this; the C standard does not include nested procedures. gcc provides nested procedures anyway but even there the above fails for the value of i is in the stack frame that disappeared as f returned. The languages Scheme and JavaScript makes programs like this work. I know no high performance language where this works. ''CommonLisp is fairly high-performance nowadays - benchmarks show speeds within 40% of optimized C and well ahead of Java and CeeSharp. ObjectiveCaml also provides FirstClass LexicalClosure''''''s, and it can often beat C in speed.'' ''(I was going to add Algol and Pascal too, but the original comment is referring to 'h = f()', which is a downward lexical closure. Algol, AFAIK, does not support those.)'' Can ObjectiveCaml still beat C when using downward lexical closures? (Assuming they are explicitly created in C, which means they arn't real, of course. (Can one do it without malloc?)) I would think that ObjectiveCaml gets a lot of it's speed from recognizing when it can generate code in a C style (whatever that means)