"Collecting, Organizing, Displaying States in a String " ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20121003 ---- For general use: (just a few as examples, also as PrivateLanguage , defined in a SpecializedGlossary) * Four Character words about working and communicating ** Used as SmallestWikiWord (c2 site) - Never mind UgLy, because they can be UsefulUsableUsed *** OnLn - On Line *** OvTm - Working Late - On Overtime Schedule *** BdNd - Busy Do Not Disturb (I'm working on something requiring the ignoring of my computer, so you know why I do not or can not respond) *** OfLn - Offline *** OnTm - On Time - At Work *** LmAm - Leave me a message ** Used in Tweets ( Pack meaning in the 140 character limit ) ---- Also used in Java Applets * http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/applet/showStatus.html ---- CategoryOrganization