I'm a software CraftWorker, a LazyProgrammer and a TeamLeader working for a small software company called calendra (been there for three years now). I work in the south of france, my california. I started 8 years ago with a service company that decided to develop a software product: I learnt a lot because about everything in that project failed. I also got a solid SmalltalkLanguage, CeePlusPlus and Corba (CategoryCorba) experience. From then on I took the Java (CategoryJava) wave and crafted for France Telecom and Gemplus. * ExtremeProgramming and the AgileManifesto is a breath of air. * ObjectRelationalMapping is of great interest to me because of passed and current projects * EnterpriseApplicationIntegration and WorkFlow are current focuses * LogicProgramming grabs me: I studied the PrologLanguage and being a LazyProgrammer telling my computer what to do rather than how to do it is compelling. ''If you want to give God a good laugh, tell him your plans'' ---- CategoryHomePage