See Compare with AlternativeProtocols such as AmoebaFlip and PlanNineIp. -- AluoNowu Interestingly (from ProofOfCorrectness): "A formal model of TCP/IP discovered bugs in the protocol, even though it has been in use for years!" * AnswerMe please: ''URL/citation?'' * I think AluoNowu was referring to the last line of the abstract in this paper:, which reads: ''We have implemented these techniques in CMC, a C model checker [30] and applied the result to the Linux TCP/IP implementation, finding four errors in the protocol implementation.'' What bugs were there would surely by now have been fixed... There is no such a thing as BugFreeSoftware. ---- TcpIp will be used for communicating devices inside a computer. See ACM magazine. See also InternetHistory ---- CategoryInternet