Test Data Generator is any tool which creates random and/or large quantities data for testing purposes. (Sometimes you don't want pure randomness.) Important points: * generated data should look as ''real'' as possible * TestDatabase should be populated with massive amount of data Some tools: * Mockaroo - cloud-based JSON and CSV generator http://www.mockaroo.com * DataGenerator - http://finraos.github.io/DataGenerator/ [Free java library designed to produce "big data" with tool assured scenario coverage] * MockupData - http://MockupData.com * dbMonster * GEDIS Studio - Online test data generator http://www.gedis-studio.com * TeDaGen - http://www.tedagen.com * DataTect - http://www.datatect.com * RandomData * TurboData - http://www.turbodata.ca * Datanamic Data Generator - http://www.datanamic.com/datagenerator/index.html * TestData * DataFactory * TDGEN * RowGen * DTM Data Generator - http://www.sqledit.com/dg * MySQL Datagenerator - http://mysql-datagenerator.nl/ (only $14 : http://codecanyon.net/item/mysql-datagenerator/5315175/?ref=wolberspl) * Flat File Generator - http://www.sqledit.com/filegenerator * Online Test Data Generators - http://www.dataconstructor.com * Intersystems Cache Populate - http://docs.intersystems.com/cache20102/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GOBJ_populate * Test JSON file generator - http://www.sqledit.com/jsongenerator * forSQL Data Generator - http://forsql.com/ * Test XML generator - http://www.sqledit.com/xmlgenerator * Dummy JSON - https://www.npmjs.org/package/dummy-json CartesianJoin''''''s are sometimes useful for generating test data. They are one of the few uses I've actually found for cartesians, other than inadvertantly crashing the RDBMS. ---- I built one once to 'randomly' generate XML documents from detailed XML schemas. -- JonGrover ---- CategoryArtificialCreativity