TextMate is a popular text editor for Mac OS X. It is developed by MacroMates http://macromates.com/. It comes with code markup for most programming languages, and a built in integration with subversion and X-Code's compilers, and it looks sexy. It is highly extensible with macros and "snippets" which are like shell expansions. TextMate is kind of like Emacs and OS X had a baby. TextMate is open source (but you are still required to pay for a license) It is released under the GPLv3 (but patches must be PublicDomain so the author and his friends can use them in ClosedSource projects) http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/08/textmate-2-0-goes-open-source-in-response-to-os-x-restrictions/ http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/08/odgaard-i-will-continue-working-on-textmate-as-long-as-i-am-a-mac-user/