''Problem'' * How do the stake holders for a system cope with the complexity of the system? ''Context'' * None ''Solution'' * Construct a model of the system that abstracts the concepts the stakeholders. ''Related Patterns'' * PointOfView * PersonaDramatis * SmallCast ''Author'' * Steve Adolph Observations and comments http://www.greenmountain.nu/christina/ideas/usecase_patterns.htm An article teaching how to use Use Cases in UML to model software requirements http://www.zoo.co.uk/~z0001039/PracGuides/pg_use_cases.htm Describing Software Requirements Using UML Use Casesdvent of the ... http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~lonsdale/courses/lons008 Use Case Modelling Resources - good basic introduction to use cases by Martin Fowler. Use Case Modelling - Capturing User Requirements Use Cases are not a functional decomposition model http://members.iinet.net.au/~lonsdale/courses/lons008/resources.htm