''The Power Of Now: How Winning Companies Sense And Respond To Change Using Real-Time Technology,'' By VivekRanadive, McGraw-Hill (1999) http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0071356843.01._PE_PI_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg [ISBN 0071356843] Employees have access to all the information they need to add value to the customer and are insulated from the glut of information that is not needed. Routine tasks are automated allowing management by exception and focusing on what's truly important. How is this achieved? Simply by an EventDrivenArchitecture. EventDrivenArchitecture is based on a PublishSubscribeModel. As opposed to PushTechnology or a ClientServerRequestArchitecture (such as the internet), The PublishSubscribeModel allows users to determine what subjects they wish to subscribe to and passively receive updates rather than having to actively query and search. Information is addressed to that subject rather than a specific user and broadcast simultaneously to all subscribers. ''It sounds like PaulGraham noticed this possibility and used it to good effect while running Viaweb, as he explains in http://www.paulgraham.com/road.html'' ''Arent "PublishSubscribeModel" and "PushTechnology" the same thing?'' ---- CategoryBook