Action Comedy -- CaryElwes, Robin Wright Penn, Andre the Giant, Billy Crystal, Mandy Patinkin, Wallace Shawn, Christopher Guest, Carol Kane, and a cast of dozens. The movie of this name is described/reviewed at... * * The movie is based on William Goldman's novel of the same name; a script is available at Also the source of several "in-the-family" quips for many years. * ''"Inconceivable!" [spoken with sharp incredulity]'' **''"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." [spoken with a thick Spanish accent]'' * ''"I swear it shall be done." [spoken with mock solemnity]'' * ''"I would not say such things if I were you!" [spoken with controlled fury]'' * ''"He's only '' mostly '' dead." [spoken with your best Yiddish accent]'' * ''"Have fun storming the castle!" [same thick Yiddish accent]'' * ''"As you wish...." [spoken romantically]'' * ''"Hallo! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." [spoken with same thick Spanish accent as before]'' Taken out of context, they sound silly. Appreciated from their source, they lighten any moment, extracting mirth from otherwise somber or boring surroundings. A really fun movie -- one which "takes the Mickey" on itself as well as the various subjects presented. * The book: 1973 * The film: 1987 ---- Seriously, it was better than Cats. I want to see it again and again. ---- I love this movie. No, I really, REALLY love this movie. It's uproariously funny, and chock-full of quotable lines. The cast is superb. Mandy Patinkin was a riot, and this movie ''created'' the persona that Cary Elwes has played in EVERY movie he's made since then. I thank this movie for making it possible to be sitting in a crowded room of programmers listening to some windbag B.S. for way too long on a subject he doesn't really understand and then hear someone quietly say "inconceivable!" Either they blithely bluster about their way (which makes it even funnier for the rest of us) or it ''quickly'' takes the wind out of their sails. [''gentle PissTake.''] -- KyleBrown ---- I watched this film, and just didn't find it very funny. Somewhat funny, but not very. It's clear which bits of it are meant to be funny, so I was able to enjoy it in a theoretical sort of way. But I wasn't rolling around, and have nil incentive to quote any line from it at all. I'm even prepared to don my asbestos pants and say: leave Pythonesque to the Pythons (unless you can do it better than them, which would have to be way, way better than this). ''Alas, you are completely wrong. There is less room for divergent opinion on this matter than on whether the sky is blue. Either you must be inconceivably humourless and unpoetic, or I must be too stupid to recognize the irony of your analysis.'' [Uh, oh. I hope we don't make this guy think we're all a bunch of loons just because we find this film funny beyond measurement. And watch out for the !] (1) Rodents of Unusual Size ''