There does not exist such a thing as one characteristic process, that creates life. ''This is a bizarre statement from GodsEyeView or at least RoyalWe. How would you know?'' The typical life creating process is evolutionary though. ''I currently lean toward a contrary opinion, proposed by, for example, Maturana and Varela, that autopoiesis is the one characteristic process.'' -- RalphMellor I understand that autopoiesis means essentially a process emerging from continued self-reference and system-environment difference (though I have read NiklasLuhmann, not Maturana). I'm not quite clear whether life necessarily implies self-reference, that typically being a property of conscious and social systems. : Every mammal knows which mammal its mother is. Most of us can find our tails. : Read about heteropoiesis, even gaiapoiesis. ''Never heard of, care to give a reference?'' Heteropoiesis relates to "designed by man for some purpose". Gaiapoiesis invented to relate to "gaia hypothesis"? ::Better yet start [ with a defensible notion of truth bound to Terran and Human POV] ---- Many people find copulation to be an effective process. (And even when it's not effective, it's fun.) ---- Also the title of the first volume of ChristopherAlexander's ''The NatureOfOrder''. ---- See DefinitionOfLife ---- CategoryOffTopic