''The Social Life of Information'' by John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid, http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1578517087.01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg [ISBN: 1578517087] Also available as an e-book. Several first chapters and some additional information are available at http://slofi.com. Provides useful criticism and ideas for information system designers and not only them. Valuable not for answers given, but for questions raised. Widens the world view. ''"Brown and Duguid contemplate the future of digital agents, the home office, the paperless society, the virtual firm and the online university. Though they offer many insightful opinions, they have not produced an easy read. As they point out, theirs is "more a book of questions than answers" and they often reject "linear thinking". Like most futurists, they are fond of long neologisms, but they are given to particularly unpronounceable ones like "infoprefixification" (the tendency to put "info" in front of words). The result is an intellectual gem in which the authors have polished some facets and, annoyingly, left others uncut."'' -- Review by Publishers Weekly ---- Does anyone know other critical books, essays or papers about the "Information" age? The only one I know of is The AttentionEconomy. From what I've read, maybe SocietyOfTheSpectacle is relevant. ---- CategoryBook CategoryInformation