''The Trouble With Computers : Usefulness, Usability, and Productivity'' by Thomas K. Landauer http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0262621088.01._PE_PI_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg [ISBN 0262621088] Do you want to know how much money and time is wasted in the U.S. by workers using poorly designed applications? Have computers ''really'' improved our lives? This book takes a close look at how computers are failing us due to poor usability. The cost is staggering. The book also offers a solution (one we have all heard before, but the revolution has yet to catch on): '''UserCenteredDesign'''. -- ToddCoram "Drat these computers. They are so annoying and so complex. I could pinch them." --Marvin the Martian Another "technosceptic" book: SiliconSnakeOil by CliffordStoll. I found SiliconSnakeOil to be far more original and enjoyable. Perhaps this was the case because it didn't try to sound like an academic economics textbook. Personally, I find Landauer's great conclusions about UserCenteredDesign to be a little puny and obvious. -- ---- CategoryBook CategoryInteractionDesign