The ThunkFactor is a metric for judging the worth of a document, for example course notes. Since YouArentGonnaReadIt (or rather your students aren't), it's important that your notes make a satisfactory thunk when thrown on a desk so that the student is led to believe that there's value within them. ---- Hmmm, I wonder how many projects suffer from this with their documentation? ----- This brings us to the observation that, for a number of subjects, usefulness is inversely proportional to page count. ---- Mentioned with respect to course handouts on YouArentGonnaReadIt. ---- ''Oh. So this has nothing to do with how much you thunk when you made the document. Hmmm.'' It takes an immense amount of thinking to produce a thin document. Thick documents are thick because nobody thunk. Which is why they go thunk when you plunk 'em. ---- See also: ShortBooks, TheAlmightyThud