TimDiggins is a ''relatively new'' WikiWiki convert living at http://www.red56.co.uk/ some of the time, and at mailto:tim@red56.co.uk most of the time. ''The working day I'm to be found within http://www.teamworks.co.uk being a New Media Director, whatever that might prove itself to be (too new to know, really).'' [nb: never really found out] Now just started at Xerox Research Labs (XRCE-Cambridge) working on the Multiple Intimate Media Environments Project. Day 2 and I'm working out what kind of wiki we need (of course, it's not a question of whether, it's a question of what). I've set up a few wikis (what does it matter what else I've done, eh?), including one for ex-pats of the company I used to work for (Teamworks, now defunct). A success was when the Finance Director managed to change her own telephone number (slowly, slowly). Still, no-one really cottoned onto the GeekWord concept, hence few new any pages. I'm very interested in the modulation of the use of wikis: * using basic Wiki markup in general for display of text files * (optional) alterable ownership rights for (extending) wiki to a mixture of edit and go and * (optional) templates for wiki files - resulting in a kind of freeform database. But having just found out (via c2Wiki!) of XeroxSparrow, I'll check that out too. I think what JimCoplien has done with the Wiki concept in ThoughtsWeaver seems very interesting. ---- CategoryHomePage