Hello there. Fellow WikiZen. I'm Tomi "BGT" Mäntylä from FinlandEurope. This page is TomiBgtMantyla, because I don't think '�' would be too functional in a link... Someone has confirmed my suspicion and even denoted it as one of the WikiWikiBugs. ---- I lost my way and ended up here as I was looking for material for my graduation thesis on CollaborativeEditing. Now I'm trying to find a vacant spot in my time/energy resources to continue with my ideas on the issue. But life is tough. ---- I work in the Turku Centre for Computer Sciences - TUCS as a Technical Planner / Coordinator. http://www.tucs.fi/ ---- '''Current interests:''' Lightweight version of ExtremeProgramming. I am a light weight ExtremeProgrammer. We ran one project and plan to write an article on that and probably further projects too. : GuiUnitTesting, ExtremeProgrammingInEnemyTerritory, WorstThingsFirst, EasiestThingFirstHardestSecond : How would TelePresence best work in ExtremeProgramming? : How to ExtremeDesign a system that includes a database design especially using FrequentReleases? ---- '''Do visit these places:''' * http://www.uusikaupunki.fi/~bgt/ -- see me. * http://www.it.utu.fi/ -- Turku University Department of Information Technology * BattlestarGalactica -- Ah, the nostalgia... * SpamCop -- strike back! * CyberPunk -- Darkish visions of future... * http://develnet.org/ThisAndThat/DaddyWhyDidWeHaveToAttackIraq -- Darkish visions of today... ---- WikiMailBox (please use your WikiSignature when sending WikiMail): ---- WikiScore: 2 ---- CategoryHomePage