Rough draft of a WikiWiki topic (page) encoding system for pondering that is LibraryOfCongressSystem- and DeweyDecimalSystem-influenced: GG-TT-DD-aaa.bbb.ccc... * GG: General type - ** TC = tool category or generalization (eg. database) ** TS = specific tool or project (eg. MySql) (Not "ST" because trying to keep T's together) ** TF = tool feature (eg. database indexes) ** DP = design philosophy, principle, or paradigm (eg. OOP, FP, Agile) ** OR = organization/location-related/industry/standards (eg. Microsoft, accounting, laws of a country) ** PI = personal info or bio ** HU = human-factors (WetWare/UI's/writing-styles/office-politics/society-vs-tech) ** OH = off-topic (non-IT), humor, or whimsical ** HE = help, getting started with this wiki, intro, etc. ** WI = Wiki-related - wiki maintenance, wiki engines ** ME = meta discussion, or discussion about wiki rules or style, or category codes ** OT = other or mixed * TT: Tool or technology type ** LA = Computer Language and Syntax ** PR = Programming techniques and frameworks ** DA = Data systems or info transfer (eg. RDBMS, XML) ** AI = Artificial Intelligence, knowledge & search engines ** CW = Content manager/wiki/file-system/unstructured or semi-structured info ** CI = Coordination/Integration/Administration/OS ** UI = User interface, reports, or presentation systems ** PS = Protection/Security/Inspection ** DO = Documentation-related ** SI = Software products for IT (eg. IDE's, compilers) ** SE = Software products for end-users or general work (eg. word-processors) ** HE = End-user hardware (desktops, smart phones, etc.) ** HI = Infrastructure or general hardware - Servers, networks, back-end hardware, CPU instruction sets, etc. ** OT = Other or mixed ** NA = Not applicable * DD: Discussion type - ** SU = summary/intro/menu ** DE = description or explanation ** SO = solutions/how-to ** VO = vocabulary-related or definition ** HI = history/stories/anecdotes ** PC = pro/con's or debate ** DS = discussion/Q&A/speculation/suggestions ** BK = description or discussion about a specific book or publication ** OT = other or mixed * aaa.bbb.ccc... The rest is a numerical hierarchy. The initial goal is to try to stick to 3 digits per segment, but I'm not sure that's realistic over the long run. Perhaps the general divisions would follow the divisions set by GG, and TT secondarily, but only in a rough sense because GG may overlap and/or the segment categories may overlap with GG. * Notes: ** If topic is long and mixed, then generally the first few pages determine the classification such that "mixed" (OT) would not be used except in extreme cases. ** Some abbreviations are chosen because they stand out better, not necessarily because they best represent the category. For example, "AI" and "BK" are perhaps overly-specific, but are easily recognizable and/or memorable compared to known alternatives. --top ----- CategoryWikiMaintenance