Language Name Issues It appears that "TQL" is already taken: Any other suggestions? Possible candidates: * Developer's Query Language (DQL) - But may conflict with "Tutorial D" (TutorialDee) * New Query Language (NQL) (Nickel) * Nice Query Language (NQL) (Nickel) * Easy Query Language (EQL) (Equal) * Friendly Query Language (FQL) (Freckle) * Helpful Query Language (HQL) (Heckle) * Join Query Language (JQL) (Jeckle) * Jacobs' Query Language (JQL) (Jackal) * Matrix Query Language (MQL) (Macle) (Michael) * Meta Query Language (MQL) * Programmers' Query Language (PQL) (Pickle) * Programmers' Intuitive Query Language (PIQL) (Pickle) * Relational Notational Query Language (RNQL) (Rankle) * Structured Meta Enabled Query Language (SMEQL) (Smeagol - Lord of the Ring fans?) * Bad-Ass, RealNice Automated Query Language (BARNAQL) * Data Enhanced Beginners' All-purpose Query Language (DEBAQL) * Heuristic Entity Query Language (HEQL) (Heckle) * Functional Underlying Query Language * Top's Automated Query Language (TAQL) (Tackle) * Tabular Automated Query Language (TAQL) (Tackle) * All-Purpose Open Query Language and Programming Information System (APOQLIPS) * Functional Element Query Language (FEQL) - ''Nice, but I don't want to see the O'reilly cover illustration for that ;-)'' * TAble Oriented Language (TABOL) * TOPaz, analogous to Ruby and Perl. I can dream, can't I? :-) [link broke, gotta find a new image hoster] Precious. SMEaGoL sounds like a GraphicsLanguage. Graphics? That's DeviceDriver code! :) * VaporWare {PolitenessFlag - This is niether the proper place nor way to indicate it is missing an implementation.} ---- CategoryTql, TqlRoadmap, CategoryNaming