Twilight Dragon Media (see supply GCC 4.3.3 and GCC 4.4.0 (GnuCompilerCollection) for MinimalistGnuForWindows (MinGW). * Now updated to supply GCC 4.4.1 (20091008). A first release of 4.4.1 had a bug which is now corrected. * Now further updated to supply GCC 4.5.1 (20100903). * And again further updated to supply GCC 4.5.2 (20110327). * New releases: 4.6.1-tdm-1 and 4.6.1-tdm64-1 (20110923) I have used this to build ConceptGcc for MinGW so that it can be used on Windows. -- JohnFletcher This can be used with CodeBlocks as an IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment. ---- CategorySoftwareTool