Edie West, ''201 Icebreakers: Group Mixers, Warm-Ups, Energizers, and Playful Activities''. Mc''''''Graw-Hill, 1997 [ISBN 0-07-069600-4] It is possible to buy the set on cards. This implies the right to copy them as handouts to participants. Much more expensive. The book contains a very good table to help facilitators locate the right ice-breaker for a particular situation. All games are presented in a matrix and marked as * Energizing a long, dry presentation * Especially for big groups * For non-icebreaker types * Getting to know you * Getting to know you better * Grouping people * Mental Aerobics * Outdoor activities * Physical energizers * Self-disclosure * Pure fun Do I need to tell I grab this book again, and again? -- MartineDevos ---- See also IceBreakers ---- CategoryBook, CategoryGamesandIcebreakers