Gonna Play a game here. Assume there are three roles: * User * Customer * Developer Assume further that the User and Customer decide on a collection of UseCase''''''s that define the User's experience with the AtmMachine. These UseCase''''''s will be documented in Alistair Cockburn's "Fully Dressed" format - see "Writing Effective Use Cases" for a more-than-complete description. For our samples, see the UseCase''''''s at UseAtmMachine, WithdrawCashFromAtm and LogonToAtmSystem... Then assume that the Customer is going to turn around and deliver UserStory''''''s to the Developer. Question: what do these UserStory'''''' look like? Start a list at AtmUserStoriesAndTasks Finally, the Developer will break the UserStory''''''s into EngineeringTask''''''s. What do these look like? These are also at AtmUserStoriesAndTasks --DanRawsthorne ''The title of this page suggests there might be such a thing as a "UserTask"...'' I named the page before I remembered it was actually called an EngineeringTask on this forum. So the name of this page could be "Use Case to Engineering Task" - but it isn't --Dan ;-)